Interface PropertyHelper.PropertyEvaluator

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public static interface PropertyHelper.PropertyEvaluator
extends PropertyHelper.Delegate
Looks up a property's value based on its name.

Can be used to look up properties in a different storage than the project instance (like local properties for example) or to implement custom "protocols" like Ant's ${toString:refid} syntax.

Ant 1.8.0
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.Object evaluate​(java.lang.String property, PropertyHelper propertyHelper)
    Evaluate a property.
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      java.lang.Object evaluate​(java.lang.String property, PropertyHelper propertyHelper)
      Evaluate a property.
      property - the property's String "identifier".
      propertyHelper - the invoking PropertyHelper.
      null if the property name could not be found, an instance of NullReturn to indicate a property with a name that can be matched but a value of null and the property's value otherwise.