CCCheckin |
Performs ClearCase checkin.
CCCheckout |
Performs ClearCase checkout.
CCLock |
Performs a ClearCase Lock command.
CCMkattr |
Task to perform mkattr command to ClearCase.
CCMkbl |
Task to CreateBaseline command to ClearCase.
CCMkdir |
Performs ClearCase mkdir.
CCMkelem |
Performs ClearCase mkelem.
CCMklabel |
Task to perform mklabel command to ClearCase.
CCMklbtype |
Task to perform mklbtype command to ClearCase.
CCRmtype |
Task to perform rmtype command to ClearCase.
CCUnCheckout |
Performs ClearCase UnCheckout command.
CCUnlock |
Performs a ClearCase Unlock command.
CCUpdate |
Performs a ClearCase Update command.
ClearCase |
A base class for creating tasks for executing commands on ClearCase.