Interface TarConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
TarArchiveSparseEntry, TarEntry

public interface TarConstants
This interface contains all the definitions used in the package. For tar formats (FORMAT_OLDGNU, FORMAT_POSIX, etc.) see GNU tar tar.h type enum archive_format
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int ATIMELEN_GNU
    The length of the access time field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int CHKSUMLEN
    The length of the checksum field in a header buffer.
    static int CTIMELEN_GNU
    The length of the created time field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int DEVLEN
    The length of each of the device fields (major and minor) in a header buffer.
    static int FORMAT_OLDGNU
    GNU format as per before tar 1.12.
    static int FORMAT_POSIX
    Pure Posix format.
    static int GIDLEN
    The length of the group id field in a header buffer.
    static int GNAMELEN
    The length of the group name field in a header buffer.
    static java.lang.String GNU_LONGLINK
    The name of the GNU tar entry which contains a long name.
    static java.lang.String GNU_TMAGIC
    The magic tag representing a GNU tar archive.
    static int ISEXTENDEDLEN_GNU
    The length of the is extension field in an old GNU header buffer.
    The length of the is extension field in a sparse header buffer.
    static byte LF_BLK
    Block device file type.
    static byte LF_CHR
    Character device file type.
    static byte LF_CONTIG
    Contiguous file type.
    static byte LF_DIR
    Directory file type.
    static byte LF_FIFO
    FIFO (pipe) file type.
    static byte LF_GNUTYPE_LONGLINK
    Identifies the *next* file on the tape as having a long linkname.
    static byte LF_GNUTYPE_LONGNAME
    Identifies the *next* file on the tape as having a long name.
    static byte LF_GNUTYPE_SPARSE
    Sparse file type.
    static byte LF_LINK
    Link file type.
    static byte LF_NORMAL
    Normal file type.
    static byte LF_OLDNORM
    LF_ constants represent the "link flag" of an entry, or more commonly, the "entry type".
    Identifies the entry as a Pax extended header.
    Identifies the entry as a Pax extended header (SunOS tar -E).
    Identifies the entry as a Pax global extended header.
    static byte LF_SYMLINK
    Symbolic link file type.
    static int LONGNAMESLEN_GNU
    The length of the long names field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int MAGIC_OFFSET
    Offset of start of magic field within header record
    static java.lang.String MAGIC_POSIX
    The magic tag representing a POSIX tar archive.
    static int MAGICLEN
    The length of the magic field in a header buffer including the version.
    static long MAXID
    The maximum value of gid/uid in a tar archive which can be expressed in octal char notation (that's 7 sevens, octal).
    static long MAXSIZE
    The maximum size of a file in a tar archive which can be expressed in octal char notation (that's 11 sevens, octal).
    static int MODELEN
    The length of the mode field in a header buffer.
    static int MODTIMELEN
    The length of the modification time field in a header buffer.
    static int NAMELEN
    The length of the name field in a header buffer.
    static int OFFSETLEN_GNU
    The length of the multivolume start offset field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int PAD2LEN_GNU
    The length of the padding field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int PREFIXLEN
    Length of the prefix field.
    static int PURE_MAGICLEN
    The length of the magic field in a header buffer.
    static int REALSIZELEN_GNU
    The length of the real size field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static int SIZELEN
    The length of the size field in a header buffer.
    static int SPARSELEN_GNU
    The sum of the length of all sparse headers in an old GNU header buffer.
    The sum of the length of all sparse headers in a sparse header buffer.
    static java.lang.String TMAGIC  
    static int UIDLEN
    The length of the user id field in a header buffer.
    static int UNAMELEN
    The length of the user name field in a header buffer.
    static java.lang.String VERSION_GNU_SPACE  
    static java.lang.String VERSION_GNU_ZERO  
    static int VERSION_OFFSET
    Offset of start of magic field within header record
    static java.lang.String VERSION_POSIX  
    static int VERSIONLEN
    Previously this was regarded as part of "magic" field, but it is separate.