Class Exit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Exit
extends Task
Exits the active build, giving an additional message if available. The if and unless attributes make the failure conditional -both probe for the named property being defined. The if tests for the property being defined, the unless for a property being undefined. If both attributes are set, then the test fails only if both tests are true. i.e.
fail := defined(ifProperty) && !defined(unlessProperty)
A single nested<condition> element can be specified instead of using if/unless (a combined effect can be achieved using isset conditions).
Ant 1.2
  • Constructor Details

    • Exit

      public Exit()
  • Method Details

    • setMessage

      public void setMessage​(java.lang.String value)
      A message giving further information on why the build exited.
      value - message to output
    • setIf

      public void setIf​(java.lang.Object c)
      Only fail if the given expression evaluates to true or the name of an existing property.
      c - property name or evaluated expression
      Ant 1.8.0
    • setIf

      public void setIf​(java.lang.String c)
      Only fail if the given expression evaluates to true or the name of an existing property.
      c - property name or evaluated expression
    • setUnless

      public void setUnless​(java.lang.Object c)
      Only fail if the given expression evaluates to false or tno property of the given name exists.
      c - property name or evaluated expression
      Ant 1.8.0
    • setUnless

      public void setUnless​(java.lang.String c)
      Only fail if the given expression evaluates to false or tno property of the given name exists.
      c - property name or evaluated expression
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus​(int i)
      Set the status code to associate with the thrown Exception.
      i - the int status
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Throw a BuildException to exit (fail) the build. If specified, evaluate conditions: A single nested condition is accepted, but requires that the if/unless attributes be omitted. If the nested condition evaluates to true, or the ifCondition is true or unlessCondition is false, the build will exit. The error message is constructed from the text fields, from the nested condition (if specified), or finally from the if and unless parameters (if present).
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - on error
    • addText

      public void addText​(java.lang.String msg)
      Set a multiline message.
      msg - the message to display
    • createCondition

      public ConditionBase createCondition()
      Add a condition element.
      Ant 1.6.2