AbstractCvsTask |
original Cvs.java 1.20
AbstractCvsTask.Module |
AbstractJarSignerTask |
This is factored out from SignJar ; a base class that can be used
for both signing and verifying JAR files using jarsigner
Ant |
Build a sub-project.
Ant.Reference |
Helper class that implements the nested <reference>
element of <ant> and <antcall>.
Ant.TargetElement |
Helper class that implements the nested <target>
element of <ant> and <antcall>.
Antlib |
Antlib task.
AntlibDefinition |
Base class for tasks that that can be used in antlibs.
AntStructure |
Creates a partial DTD for Ant from the currently known tasks.
AttributeNamespaceDef |
Definition to allow the URI to be considered for
Ant attributes.
AugmentReference |
Ant task to dynamically augment a previously declared reference.
Available |
Will set the given property if the requested resource is available at
Available.FileDir |
EnumeratedAttribute covering the file types to be checked for, either
file or dir.
Basename |
Sets a property to the base name of a specified file, optionally minus a
BindTargets |
Simple task which bind some targets to some defined extension point
BuildNumber |
Read, increment, and write a build number in a file
It will first
attempt to read a build number from a file, then set the property
"build.number" to the value that was read in (or 0 if no such value).
BUnzip2 |
Expands a file that has been compressed with the BZIP2
BZip2 |
Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm.
CallTarget |
Call another target in the same project.
Checksum |
Used to create or verify file checksums.
Checksum.FormatElement |
Helper class for the format attribute.
Chmod |
Chmod equivalent for unix-like environments.
Classloader |
Create or modifies ClassLoader.
CloseResources |
Not a real task but used during tests.
CommandLauncherTask |
Task that configures the CommandLauncher to used
when starting external processes.
Componentdef |
Adds a component definition to the current project.
Concat |
This class contains the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series
of files into a single stream.
Concat.TextElement |
sub element points to a file or contains text
ConditionTask |
Task to set a property conditionally using <uptodate>, <available>,
and many other supported conditions.
Copy |
Copies a file or directory to a new file
or directory.
Copydir |
Copyfile |
CopyPath |
Cvs |
Performs operations on a CVS repository.
CVSPass |
Adds an new entry to a CVS password file.
DefaultExcludes |
Alters the default excludes for the entire build..
DefBase |
Base class for Definitions handling uri and class loading.
Definer |
Base class for Taskdef and Typedef - handles all
the attributes for Typedef.
Definer.Format |
Enumerated type for format attribute
Definer.OnError |
Enumerated type for onError attribute
Delete |
Deletes a file or directory, or set of files defined by a fileset.
Deltree |
DependSet |
Examines and removes out of date target files.
DiagnosticsTask |
This is a task that hands off work to the Diagnostics module.
Dirname |
Determines the directory name of the specified file.
Ear |
Creates a EAR archive.
Echo |
Writes a message to the Ant logging facilities.
Echo.EchoLevel |
The enumerated values for the level attribute.
EchoXML |
Echo XML.
EchoXML.NamespacePolicy |
Exec |
ExecTask |
Executes a given command if the os platform is appropriate.
Execute |
Runs an external program.
ExecuteJava |
Execute a Java class.
ExecuteOn |
Executes a given command, supplying a set of files as arguments.
ExecuteOn.FileDirBoth |
Enumerated attribute with the values "file", "dir" and "both"
for the type attribute.
ExecuteWatchdog |
Destroys a process running for too long.
Exit |
Exits the active build, giving an additional message
if available.
Expand |
Unzip a file.
Filter |
Sets a token filter that is used by the file copy tasks
to do token substitution.
Converts text source files to local OS formatting conventions, as
well as repair text files damaged by misconfigured or misguided editors or
file transfer programs.
FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove |
Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "add" and "remove".
FixCRLF.CrLf |
Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "cr", "lf", "crlf", "mac", "unix" and "dos.
GenerateKey |
Generates a key in a keystore.
GenerateKey.DistinguishedName |
A class corresponding to the dname nested element.
GenerateKey.DnameParam |
A DistinguishedName parameter.
Get |
Gets a particular file from a URL source.
Get.Base64Converter |
Provide this for Backward Compatibility.
Get.NullProgress |
do nothing with progress info
Get.VerboseProgress |
verbose progress system prints to some output stream
GUnzip |
Expands a file that has been compressed with the GZIP
GZip |
Compresses a file with the GZIP algorithm.
HostInfo |
Sets properties to the host provided, or localhost if no information is
ImportTask |
Task to import another build file into the current project.
Input |
Reads an input line from the console.
Input.HandlerType |
EnumeratedAttribute representing the built-in input handler types:
"default", "propertyfile", "greedy", "secure" (since Ant 1.8).
Jar |
Creates a JAR archive.
Jar.FilesetManifestConfig |
The manifest config enumerated type.
Jar.StrictMode |
The strict enumerated type.
Java |
Launcher for Java applications.
Javac |
Compiles Java source files.
Javadoc |
Generates Javadoc documentation for a collection
of source code.
Javadoc.AccessType |
EnumeratedAttribute implementation supporting the Javadoc scoping
Javadoc.ExtensionInfo |
A project aware class used for Javadoc extensions which take a name
and a path such as doclet and taglet arguments.
Javadoc.Html |
An HTML element in the Javadoc.
Javadoc.PackageName |
Used to track info about the packages to be javadoc'd
Javadoc.SourceFile |
This class is used to manage the source files to be processed.
JDBCTask |
Handles JDBC configuration needed by SQL type tasks.
Jikes |
JikesOutputParser |
KeySubst |
Length |
Gets lengths: of files/resources, byte size; of strings, length (optionally trimmed).
Length.FileMode |
EnumeratedAttribute operation mode
Length.When |
EnumeratedAttribute for the when attribute.
LoadFile |
Load a file into a property
LoadProperties |
Load a file's contents as Ant properties.
LoadResource |
Load a resource into a property
Local |
Task to create a local property in the current scope.
LogOutputStream |
Logs each line written to this stream to the log system of ant.
LogStreamHandler |
Logs standard output and error of a subprocess to the log system of ant.
MacroDef |
Describe class MacroDef here.
MacroDef.Attribute |
An attribute for the MacroDef task.
MacroDef.NestedSequential |
The class corresponding to the sequential nested element.
MacroDef.TemplateElement |
A nested element for the MacroDef task.
MacroDef.Text |
A nested text element for the MacroDef task.
MacroInstance |
The class to be placed in the ant type definition.
MacroInstance.Element |
Embedded element in macro instance
MakeUrl |
This task takes file and turns them into a URL, which it then assigns
to a property.
Manifest |
Holds the data of a jar manifest.
Manifest.Attribute |
An attribute for the manifest.
Manifest.Section |
A manifest section - you can nest attribute elements into sections.
ManifestClassPath |
Converts a Path into a property suitable as a Manifest classpath.
ManifestTask |
Creates a manifest file for inclusion in a JAR, Ant task wrapper
around Manifest .
ManifestTask.Mode |
Helper class for Manifest's mode attribute.
MatchingTask |
This is an abstract task that should be used by all those tasks that
require to include or exclude files based on pattern matching.
Mkdir |
Creates a given directory.
Move |
Moves a file or directory to a new file or directory.
Nice |
A task to provide "nice-ness" to the current thread, and/or to
query the current value.
Pack |
Abstract Base class for pack tasks.
Parallel |
Executes the contained tasks in separate threads, continuing
once all are completed.
Parallel.TaskList |
Class which holds a list of tasks to execute
Patch |
Patches a file by applying a 'diff' file to it; requires "patch" to be
on the execution path.
PathConvert |
Converts path and classpath information to a specific target OS
PathConvert.TargetOs |
An enumeration of supported targets:
"windows", "unix", "netware", and "os/2".
PreSetDef |
The preset definition task generates a new definition
based on a current definition with some attributes or
elements preset.
PreSetDef.PreSetDefinition |
This class contains the unknown element and the object
that is predefined.
ProjectHelperTask |
Task to install project helper into Ant's runtime
Property |
Sets a property by name, or set of properties (from file or
resource) in the project.
PropertyHelperTask |
This task is designed to allow the user to install a different
PropertyHelper on the current Project.
PumpStreamHandler |
Copies standard output and error of subprocesses to standard output and
error of the parent process.
PumpStreamHandler.ThreadWithPumper |
Specialized subclass that allows access to the running StreamPumper.
Recorder |
Adds a listener to the current build process that records the
output to a file.
Recorder.ActionChoices |
A list of possible values for the setAction() method.
Recorder.VerbosityLevelChoices |
A list of possible values for the setLoglevel() method.
RecorderEntry |
This is a class that represents a recorder.
Redirector |
The Redirector class manages the setup and connection of input and output
redirection for an Ant project component.
Rename |
Replace |
Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given
values in the indicated files.
ResourceCount |
Count resources from a ResourceCollection, storing to a property or
writing to the log.
Retry |
Retries the nested task a set number of times
Rmic |
Runs the rmic compiler against classes.
SendEmail |
A task to send SMTP email.
Sequential |
Sequential is a container task - it can contain other Ant tasks.
SetPermissions |
Sets PosixFilePermission s for resources.
SignJar |
Signs JAR or ZIP files with the javasign command line tool.
Sleep |
Sleep, or pause, for a period of time.
SQLExec |
Executes a series of SQL statements on a database using JDBC.
SQLExec.DelimiterType |
delimiters we support, "normal" and "row"
SQLExec.OnError |
The action a task should perform on an error,
one of "continue", "stop" and "abort"
StreamPumper |
Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream.
SubAnt |
Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds.
Sync |
Synchronize a local target directory from the files defined
in one or more filesets.
Sync.MyCopy |
Subclass Copy in order to access it's file/dir maps.
Sync.SyncTarget |
Inner class used to hold exclude patterns and selectors to save
stuff that happens to live in the target directory but should
not get removed.
Tar |
Creates a tar archive.
Tar.TarCompressionMethod |
Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Tar Task
Tar.TarFileSet |
This is a FileSet with the option to specify permissions
and other attributes.
Tar.TarLongFileMode |
Set of options for long file handling in the task.
Taskdef |
Adds a task definition to the current project, such that this new task can be
used in the current project.
TaskOutputStream |
TempFile |
This task sets a property to the name of a temporary file.
Touch |
Touch a file and/or fileset(s) and/or filelist(s);
corresponds to the Unix touch command.
Transform |
Has been merged into ExecuteOn, empty class for backwards compatibility.
Truncate |
Set the length of one or more files, as the intermittently available
truncate Unix utility/function.
Tstamp |
Sets properties to the current time, or offsets from the current time.
Tstamp.Unit |
set of valid units to use for time offsets.
Typedef |
Adds a data type definition to the current project.
Unpack |
Abstract Base class for unpack tasks.
Untar |
Untar a file.
Untar.UntarCompressionMethod |
Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Untar Task
UpToDate |
Sets the given property if the specified target has a timestamp
greater than all of the source files.
VerifyJar |
JAR verification task.
WaitFor |
Wait for an external event to occur.
WaitFor.Unit |
The enumeration of units:
millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week
War |
An extension of <jar> to create a WAR archive.
WhichResource |
Find a class or resource on the supplied classpath, or the
system classpath if none is supplied.
XmlProperty |
Loads property values from a valid XML file, generating the
property names from the file's element and attribute names.
XSLTProcess |
Processes a set of XML documents via XSLT.
XSLTProcess.Factory |
The factory element to configure a transformer factory
XSLTProcess.Factory.Attribute |
A JAXP factory attribute.
XSLTProcess.Factory.Feature |
A feature for the TraX factory.
XSLTProcess.OutputProperty |
Specify how the result tree should be output as specified
in the
XSLTProcess.Param |
The Param inner class used to store XSL parameters
Zip |
Create a Zip file.
Zip.ArchiveState |
Holds the up-to-date status and the out-of-date resources of
the original archive.
Zip.Duplicate |
Possible behaviors when a duplicate file is added:
"add", "preserve" or "fail"
Zip.UnicodeExtraField |
Policy for creation of Unicode extra fields: never, always or
Zip.WhenEmpty |
Possible behaviors when there are no matching files for the task:
"fail", "skip", or "create".
Zip.Zip64ModeAttribute |
The choices for Zip64 extensions.