Class Nice

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Nice
extends Task
A task to provide "nice-ness" to the current thread, and/or to query the current value. Examples:
 <nice currentPriority="current.value" >

Set currentPriority to the current priority

 <nice newPriority="10" >

Raise the priority of the build process (But not forked programs)

 <nice currentPriority="old" newPriority="3" >

Lower the priority of the build process (But not forked programs), and save the old value to the property old.

  • Constructor Details

    • Nice

      public Nice()
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Execute the task
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - if something goes wrong with the build
    • setCurrentPriority

      public void setCurrentPriority​(java.lang.String currentPriority)
      The name of a property to set to the value of the current thread priority. Optional
      currentPriority - the property name.
    • setNewPriority

      public void setNewPriority​(int newPriority)
      the new priority, in the range 1-10.
      newPriority - the new priority value.